The Temple Mount Jerusalem Convention (TMJC) is dedicated to the holiest place on earth and invites the nations to Jerusalem to discuss, network, get educated, and inspired with zeal for God’s House. The convention has been an unprecedented meeting between...
Looking at any Biblical map of Jerusalem you will notice the Temple of God dominating the city. It was a magnificent structure which would truly have been the pride of the city and represented nothing less than God Himself dwelling among mankind. Yet, looking more...
Thank you for asking a really great question. Many of us have grown up in Church with a theology that says that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, putting an end to the sacrificial system. While it is built on truth, its conclusions about the sacrificial system being...
Published in Prophecy News Watch 11/01/2016 October 29th, 2014 was just another day in the life of Jerusalem Rabbi and Temple Mount Activist Yehudah Glick. The soft spoken red-headed Rabbi – described by some as ‘the most dangerous man in the Middle East’ – had just...
A tumultuous week of Israeli politics has capped off a series of unlikely events that have brought temple mount activist Rabbi Yehudah Glick into the Israeli parliament as a member of Netanyahu’s ruling coalition. How did Glick get there and what does his rise to...
For us who are watching prophetic developments in the earth, there is something very exciting about monitoring the historic preparations taking place for the rebuilding of Israel’s Temple. In the last few weeks, two big stories have hit the headlines that are worth...