The New Year: Prophetic of the Hope to Come

As we celebrate the New Year, we hope for the year ahead to be better. This annual celebration may seem like a giant waste of money – but its loud celebration points us to Bible Prophecy and a great day that is coming soon. This great day will be one of a new...

Revealing The Mystery of Lawlessness and End Times

The Bible speaks of the ‘lawless one’ bringing in an End Time period of ‘increasing lawlessness’. What is this lawlessness and how do we understand it in its original Jewish context? Enoch LavenderEnoch Lavender was born in Australia, raised in...

Essential Revelation: Hanukkah and End Times

Essential teaching about End Time Prophecy is found in the Feast of Hanukkah – learn more in our series of teachings of how Hanukkah influenced the New Testament and sets the stage for the prophecies of the End Times as taught by Jesus and Paul. Enoch...

Encountering Heroes of Faith In Israel

The Bible promises that in the End Times, those ‘who know their God shall be strong and carry out exploits’. During his recent trip to Israel, Enoch encountered such heroes and shares in this teaching about courage vs fearr as well as about the ancient...

The Third Temple and the Islamic World

  Recently a Jewish man was arrested bringing a sacrifice to the Temple Mount. Learn why some Israelis want the Temple rebuilt, why others are resisting them, and what the Islamic world has to say about the Third Temple in Jerusalem. Enoch LavenderEnoch Lavender...