Bible prophecy predicts the emergence of a Third Temple in Jerusalem in the End Days. Today, many Christians are supporting Jewish organisations in rebuilding the Temple, yet others ask – isn’t this actually supporting the antiChrist? Enoch LavenderPs...
Recently Five Red Heifers were donated by Christians and sent to Israel for the purpose of preparing for the rebuilt Temple. In this video, John Enarson from Cry For Zion explains how it is seen in the Jewish world and how the red heifers are the ‘missing...
Thank you for asking a really great question. Many of us have grown up in Church with a theology that says that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, putting an end to the sacrificial system. While it is built on truth, its conclusions about the sacrificial system being...
Enoch shares about the coming third temple, the 2 major obstacles hindering its rebuilding, dramatic progress in recent years towards the third temple and how we as Christians can pray concerning the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. Notes from message:...
This video dives into the story of Hanukkah and examines the parallells between this ancient defiling of the Temple and a possible future fulfilment. Ultimately, the Battle for the Temple Mount is not only about a site – but about the worship of mankind. This...
Part 2 of 4 – Ps. Enoch examines the past, present and future conflict surrounding the Temple Mount. This video dives into the story of Hanukkah and examines the parallells between this ancient defiling of the Temple and a possible future fulfilment. Ultimately,...