Coming to God Empty Handed

by | Oct 29, 2024 | Hebrew Gems | 0 comments

The Feast of Tabernacles, sukkot, is a divinely ordained time of great rejoicing and celebration. The first mention of this feast, describes it as “the feast of ingathering” (Ex 23:16, 34:22), in other words a harvest feast. And in this connection, God commands that no-one appear before Him on the Feast empty-handed (Ex 34:17).
In other words, as we start to celebrate Tabernacles this week, it is time for us to look back over the year that has been. Think of the greatest blessings and achievements of this year, and bring it to God in joyful thanksgiving.
If you have had a difficult year, this is still a time to look for the good that God has done even in the midst of hardship , and bring this to Him in gratitude.
None of us are to appear empty before him, we all are to bring something to be grateful for, and celebrate before Him joyfully for what He has done.
And as we do, let’s also begin to look forward to the year ahead, believing Him for a better year as we put our trust in Him.


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