Hebrew Gems

lightstock 147019 medium enoch lavenderC Olive Tree Ministries
da33c9fa493227ab3ffa54e3c4935185?s=96&d=mm&r=g Olive Tree Ministries

Coming to God Empty Handed

The Feast of Tabernacles, sukkot, is a divinely ordained time of great rejoicing and celebration. The first mention of this feast, describes it as...
Honouring the Priests of Yesterday
35db9118b61dbc39c5a7ced67a3a52a7?s=96&d=mm&r=g Olive Tree Ministries

Honouring the Priests of Yesterday

According to Jewish tradition, the wicks of the Temple menorah (lampstand) were painstakingly made from old worn out priestly garments. This...