They were a generation of people who had seen miracles like none other. The Jews of the Exodus witnessed amazing miracles in Egypt, saw God’s glory revealed in a pillar of cloud and fire, and heard God’s voice at Mount Sinai, yet they failed to enter the promised land. Why?
Moses explains – “Yet in this matter you did not believe God’ (literal translation of Deut 1:32).
In other words, they believed God in other matters, they trusted Him and knew Him to be real in many areas of their lives. But in the crucial matter of conquering the promised land, they did not believe Him.
Moses similarly was refused to enter the promised land. This man of great faith, tremendous miracles and outstanding revelations, was denied entry – also because of unbelief (Num. 20:12). Moses had been commanded to speak to the rock for water to come out, but he instead hit the rock like he had done before. It would seem that he had faith for water to come out of the rock by hitting, but not by speaking. And because of his unbelief ‘in this matter’, he too was unable to enter the promised land.
A few months ago, the Lord miraculously provided for us the funds to buy a caravan for our family ministry. We did not ask for donations, yet the Lord raised up people so that within two weeks, the whole caravan purchase was covered.
While I rejoiced in God’s provision, there was another matter that was troubling me. We were running completely out of personal funds, and there was a deep-seated fear inside me that the funds would not come through. What if we don’t have enough money for the kids? For our mortgage? For petrol for the road?
Over the next three weeks, I was barely able to eat. I had seen God’s miracle provision of a caravan to enable the ministry, but “in this matter” I doubted that God would provide. Deep down I had come to see God as a businessman who provides for ‘business needs’ (i.e. church related ministry) but had failed to see Him as a Father who can be trusted to also provide for our personal needs. During these challenging three weeks, I had to repent of my unbelief and pray over past circumstances in my life that had led to this lack of faith. In the meantime, God began to provide. People came alongside us and not only helped provide our basic needs but also lavished abundant blessings on my wife and children. And as I witnessed this take place, my fear and distrust melted away, and finally my appetite returned!
Looking back, I am so grateful to the Lord for exposing this ‘matter’ of unbelief in my heart, and for leading me through repentance to see Him provide.
I believe God wants all His people to enter the ‘promised land’, yet like Israel and Moses there are areas of unbelief in our lives that will hinder us from entering. You may intellectually believe in His power, and have seen His miracles in other people’s lives, but do you also believe that He can and will do those miracles for you? Maybe like me you have had experiences that have led you to distrust God in certain areas of your life?
Take a few moments today to identify any matters where you have struggled to believe God. Pray about these areas and in particular any associated negative experiences that have led to your unbelief. Repent of not believing in Him, and finally, ask Him to speak into your life about this particular area of your life.

Ps Enoch Lavender was born in Australia, raised in Norway, spent time living in China and is now based on the Gold Coast of Australia. He has been studying Hebrew and the Jewish roots of our faith for the past decade, and has a keen interest in the Middle East from a Bible prophecy perspective.
Contact Enoch and Olive Tree Ministries