Inspiring Stories
Angelic protection on the road!
Experiencing God's angels protecting us on our ministry trip!
Interview on History Makers
Learn more about my personal journey to faith, embracing the importance of the Jewish background of our faith and stories from our lives today.
A Greater Miracle than a Caravan
We recently experienced two miracles in a week, one was for the purchase of the caravan, and the other was a miracle of a meal - can you guess which miracle was greater for me?
Trusting God for our daily petrol!
Not only have we been trusting God for the finances to buy the caravan, but also needed Him to come through day by day and step by step on our ministry journey up north - and He has proven Himself faithful!
True Christian Ministers vs False Prophets
Learning from the stories of veteran leaders we encounter on our ministry trip.
A Greater Miracle than a Caravan 🚐 ✨️
Learning to trust the Lord to provide all our needs - great and small, ministry and personal #godprovides
Trusting God for our daily petrol! #ministryontheroad
Our House Miracle – God Provides!
We put God first and He made the impossible, possible!
Encountering Heroes of Faith In Israel
The Bible promises that in the End Times, those 'who know their God shall be strong and carry out exploits'. During his recent trip to Israel, Enoch encountered such heroes and shares in this teaching about courage vs fearr...