After 3 months of intense searching – we have finally got a rental property in the Caulfield area!
The process has been long and tough:
we have inspected countless places that were not suitable for our requirements, we have applied for the only 3 places that were suitable of all that we saw – and were knocked back on each application. In fact, we were not even considered for 2 of the properties!
At times it has been a discouraging and despairing journey – but we have had friends near and far telling us that they were praying for us. We have also many confirmations along the way, including the miracle of divine provision that came in early January to finance this move. Looking back it has been a blessing that we have not found a place earlier as I have been too busy with the new business to make the move. The Lord knows perfectly – and did not allow us to get a place at a time we could not handle.
Today’s application was approved within one hour of lodging – quite a turnaround! There will be a little bit of a wait to get the keys – as they won’t come through until the 31st of March, but this is perfect as it enables us not to have to pay rent in two places. Finally the 31st of March is an interesting date for us – it means that we will move exactly – to the very day – 12 years after we moved to Dandenong. God has our times and seasons in His hand – and is faithful to open the right door at the right time!
Enoch Lavender was born in Australia, raised in Norway, spent time living in China and is now based in Melbourne, Australia. He has been studying Hebrew and the Jewish roots of our faith for the past decade, and has a keen interest in the Middle East from a Bible prophecy perspective.