Why couldn’t this man, who had led Israel for 40 years through the wilderness, and who walked so closely with God, be forgiven for what seems like a small mistake? And when he later begged for mercy, God did not heed his prayer. Why?
At Kadesh, the people of Israel ran out of water, and complained to Moses about their need. As usual Moses interceded for the people before God, and received specific instructions. “Take the rod…. Speak to the rock and it will yield its water”. (Num 20:8)
Instead of speaking to the rock, Moses struck the rock twice, until the water miraculously came out. So what was so wrong about this mistake that Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land?
The Lord explained to Moses that his punishment was because “you did not believe in Me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the Children of Israel”(Num. 20:12). In other words, Moses failed in two areas – the first was unbelief that God actually could bring water out of the rock by his words. But I think the greater mistake was the second mistake – he failed to sanctify, honour and glorify God in the eyes of the people.
It was a fundamental mistake, which reveals that Moses had missed the very essence of ministry. Ministry and leadership should primarily, always and in all things be about giving glory to God and pointing to God. This is why the angels before the throne keep calling out ‘holy, holy, holy’ as they bow continually in worship. Glorifying God, in our lives and through our lives is the central purpose.
Much ministry is done for other purposes, to build a church, to build a platform and a ministry. To achieve things, to influence people and perhaps to build up our own ego. We might like Moses be doing so many things right, but are we missing the essence of ministry, that it is all about bringing honour and glory to Him?

Enoch Lavender was born in Australia, raised in Norway, spent time living in China and is now based in Melbourne, Australia. He has been studying Hebrew and the Jewish roots of our faith for the past decade, and has a keen interest in the Middle East from a Bible prophecy perspective.