Thank you for asking a really great question. Many of us have grown up in Church with a theology that says that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, putting an end to the sacrificial system. While it is built on truth, its conclusions about the sacrificial system being...
The scenes of a woman riding a giant mechanical bull and it being worshiped during the opening ceremony certainly has prophetic implications.While Birmingham is known to be represented by a bull, it certainly looked and felt like worship of a giant beast. Another...
Julie Roche from Shekinah Tours organises regular tours to Israel at the very best possible prices, you can contact her at Also, we can recommend the following regular tour operators: Dr Kameel Majdali – see
This is a huge topic! I have a teaching on the Resurrection available at For more details on Paradise and Abraham’s bosom from a 1st Century context, I recommend the in depth 4 hour teaching series...
There is a teaching going around that when the High Priest finished the final Passover sacrifice, he would say ‘it is finished’, and that this was at the same time as Jesus’ final words. While a Jewish understanding of the Passover offers us many...