Passover vs Easter
Did you know that the reason Easter is separated from Passover was that the early Church fathers wanted nothing to do with ‘the perfidy of the Jews’ and therefore set their own date?
This is sad to consider, as the Passover brings out great truths for us about our Master and points the Jewish people to Him as well. Sadly the early Church fathers also ex-communicated those who still chose to celebrate Passover and declared a curse on them!
The Church has lost so much as we have gone away from the Passover celebration.
Join me as we research the ancient roots of our faith.
Enoch Lavender
Director Olive Tree Ministries

How To Celebrate Passover
This is how we tell our kids at home the story of the Passover and Ten Plagues – what do you think? See full details below:
Felt board to retell story of Moses, his birth, the burning bush, him going to Pharaoh and saying Let My People Go!
Assign one kid to be pharoah at a time – they can take turns wearing a crown and saying “no” and stomping their feet after each plague when moses says “let my people go”
Ten plagues
1. Blood – water and food colouring on a stick
Food coloring comes in a multitude of different colors, and can be found at grocery stores and discount stores. Adding a little bit of salt to the water first can prevent the food coloring from sinking to the bottom.
After each plague, the kids (except pharoah) say “let my people go” – and pharoah says: “no” and stomp his/her feet
2. Frogs
Get either plastic jumping frogs or lollie frogs
(If lollies kids can eat them!)
And pharoah said…
3. Lice
Everyone itch!
(Or a small bowl of linseed,tik-taks or snowcaps – small chocolates covered in white spots like lice)
And pharoah said….
4. Flies
Take small pieces of dark licorice, add mini marshmallows as eyes and then break tooth picks in half for legs
And pharoah said
5. Livestock pestilence
Bring out a few plastic animals and put bandaids on them – they are sick
And pharoah said…
6. Boils
Place red dot stickers on dolls or lego men
And pharoah said…
7. Hail
Round small lollies
And pharoah said…
8. Locusts
Either use lollies in the shape of bugs or plastic bugs
And pharoah said…
9. Darkness
Everyone puts on sunglasses – or turn on a candle and turn off the ceiling light – talk about how God made the land dark for 3 days
And pharoah said…
10. The killing of firstborn children
Build 2 lego houses with the help of the kids. As a minimum the house needs a door and needs easy visibility of what is behind the door. Behind each door put a lego family or just a lego person.
Have some red coloured stickers ready and get the kids to apply the stickers to the frame of one door and not the other – while explaining that God said to apply the blood of a lamb to the door and that otherwise the first born would die.
Take the head off a lego man in the house without the blood/red stickers.
End With Felt board telling of crossing of red sea
Our local congregation Kingdom Church on the Gold Coast have released a 100 page high quality booklet on the Passover – for FREE.
The Passover to Pentecost book is a comprehensive guide for those who are looking to start that journey and understand more about the feasts of the Lord. This book doesn’t pretend that you know everything, it doesn’t assume you know Hebrew and has been written so that even a child could pick up this book and understand.
From the nuts and bolts of Passover, shopping lists, how to set the Passover table, a detailed calendar of the season and all the way through to Pentecost, you are covered and have the right tools for your journey. This book also includes:
- Instructions and explanations on the Feasts of the Lord
- HOW-TO detailed explanations with pictures
- Links to audio playlists
- Recipes
- Testimonies
- Countdown to Pentecost
An outstanding resource to give in depth explanations of the Passover and its connection to our faith as believers is Hebrew 4 Christians.
The best book on this topic, is called ‘The Feasts of the Lord’ by Marvin Rosenthal.
Here is the Amazon link:
- Passover in Jesus' day
- Was Passover a Sin Offering or a Peace Offering?
- The Seating Order of the Last Supper
Join us as we study the correlation between the events of the annual Passover celebration – set in place 1500 years before Jesus, to the final events of His life on earth.
The Passover sacrifice has 5 fundamental differences between it and the Sin Offering.
However, the Passover sacrifice is very close to a totally different kind of offering – learn more in this video with Messianic understanding into the Passover!
Discover the special rules and customs that governed the seating at the Last Supper – including the seat for the bodyguard, the guest of honour and the lowest seat in the house – and discover how the table seating was a final test of the hearts of Jesus’ disciples.
We hope this teaching resource has been a blessing to you.
For more information, feedback or questions, please click to contact our ministry.
Enoch Lavender
Olive Tree Ministries