Teaching Articles

Locked out!

Locked out!

It could have gone so wrong.... After an extended ministry time we finally left the church with our tired kids around 10pm. When we arrived back at the caravan at 10:45pm, tired and ready to roll into bed, we suddenly could not find our caravan keys! We looked high...

Worst Possible Start to a Ministry Day

Worst Possible Start to a Ministry Day

It was by far the worst possible start to a ministry day during our caravan trip of Australia. The preceding night our sleep was constantly interrupted by our kids. First we spent 2.5 hours getting 2 year old Olive to bed until she finally went to sleep at 10:30pm -...

Kid’s Worship Idea Leads to Miracle

Kid’s Worship Idea Leads to Miracle

Story from our Jubilee Ministry Tour: As my wife Sarah was about to lead worship at our first ministry stop in Port Macquarie, she asked our three little kids what song she should sing. Their reply: "Sing Jesus Loves Me". We could easily have dismissed the song as...

Ministry Trip begins!

We are now starting our 1 month ministry tour – in our caravan with 3 small kids. You can see the itinerary at https://olivetreeministries.org.au/ju…
We appreciate your prayers and support as we travel – find out more about supporting us at the above link.

Queen Esther, Gog and the End Of Days

Queen Esther, Gog and the End Of Days

Queen Esther, Gog and the End Of Days While sometimes treated as merely an amusing Kid’s Church story, a Jewish perspective on the book of Esther reveals remarkable links to Gog, Magog and the End of Days.  A World Empire and a Wicked Ruler During the days of Queen...