Bible Prophecy & End Times

Finding Love: The Greater Love Story
Each marriage, each love story, and even the longing to find a mate, I believe is intended by God to point us to a far greater love story, which is...

Hanukkah – Talk About Bravery
those who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits…’Dan 11:32While this verse has been a source of encouragement to countless...

Queen Esther, Gog and the End Of Days
Queen Esther, Gog and the End Of Days While sometimes treated as merely an amusing Kid’s Church story, a Jewish perspective on the book of Esther...

Red Heifers Ready for the Temple by Passover?
Game changing developments are happening right now in Israel concerning the Third Temple. Probably the most critical missing link preventing the...

Living in Expectation of the Messiah’s Coming
Judaism teaches that one should always leave in readiness for the Messiah's coming. In fact, the famous sage Rambam listed this expectation as one...

Restoring the Lost Language of Hebrew
In the early 19th Century, a period of unprecedented restoration began to take place in both Israel and the Church. As the Jews were scattered all...

The Jubilee and Jesus’ Return
Is there a link between the ancient practice of the Jubilee and Jesus’ soon coming return to earth? If so, what insights can we learn from this link...

The Case of the Missing Anointing Oil
Through His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus has brought us salvation and granted those who believe eternal life. He is rightly called...

The Original “Gospel” and the Jubilee
When we hear the word ‘gospel’ today, we tend to think of the basic message of Christianity; namely that mankind is separated from God through sin...

The Gentiles and the Feast of Tabernacles
Peering into the future beyond the cataclysmic end time events, Zechariah the prophet foretells that there is coming a time when all the nations of...

The Prophetic Meaning of the Hebrew Year 5783
On September 25, 2022 we are entering the Hebrew year 5783. In Hebrew, every number is tied to a Hebrew letter, which in turn carries many shades of...

A Hebrew Prophetic View on 2022
As we approach 2022, many are wondering what the year ahead may bring. While we can’t read too much into numerology, the number 22 associated with...