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We are an End Times Prophetic Teaching Ministry.

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We exist to help equip you with a better understanding of the 1st Century Jewish background of our faith.

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Olive Tree Ministries

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“And He gave some to be… pastors”

“And He gave some to be… pastors”

I was once visiting a pastor couple who were going through a hard time, as people in their congregation were complaining and coming against them. As we were praying, I glanced over at their bookshelf and was struck by the title of a book bearing the above quote from...

Eyelids and Wings – the Biblical Hebrew meaning

Eyelids and Wings – the Biblical Hebrew meaning

Did you know that the biblical hebrew words for eyelid and wing are from the same root? Apparently, in the Hebrew mind, the function of a wing isn't only to fly with, it's more so to cover with. Hence Isaiah speaks of God protecting Jerusalem like a hen its chicks...