Each marriage, each love story, and even the longing to find a mate, I believe is intended by God to point us to a far greater love story, which is the love of the Messiah for His bride. I was recently impacted by the modern-day story of a young couple who chose to go...
Hanukkah – Talk About Bravery those who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits…’Dan 11:32While this verse has been a source of encouragement to countless Christians down through the ages, in its original prophetic context its bright encouragement...
Queen Esther, Gog and the End Of Days While sometimes treated as merely an amusing Kid’s Church story, a Jewish perspective on the book of Esther reveals remarkable links to Gog, Magog and the End of Days. A World Empire and a Wicked Ruler During the days of Queen...
Game changing developments are happening right now in Israel concerning the Third Temple. Probably the most critical missing link preventing the rebuilding of the Temple, is set to fall into place within months with crucial help from Christians. Meanwhile Hamas is...
Judaism teaches that one should always leave in readiness for the Messiah’s coming. In fact, the famous sage Rambam listed this expectation as one of the 13 core tenants of the faith. According to Rambam, if you are not expecting the Messiah’s return ...
In the early 19th Century, a period of unprecedented restoration began to take place in both Israel and the Church. As the Jews were scattered all over the world, the language of Hebrew had become extinct except for use in religious ceremonies. As Jews began to...