Bible Gems
Hebraic Prayer Part 4: Conforming to God’s Will
“Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word…” Acts 4:29 In this last and final...
Hebraic Prayer Part 3: More Corporate than Personal
“Lord, bless me and my wife, my son, and his wife, us four, no more, Amen” Modern Christian prayers can easily slide into the trap of becoming all...
Hebraic Prayer Part 2: Bible Based Prayer
“…who by the mouth of Your servant David have said: …The kings of the earth took their stand, And the rulers were gathered together, Against the...
Moving a bit slowly?
My wife and I were recently praying over a decision, and I really didn't want to make the change. I had a number of reasons to hesitate, and I felt...
Insights from Hebraic Prayer – Part 1, Exalting the Creator
We read in Acts chapter 4 how the disciples gathered to pray after receiving multiple venomous threats from the priestly authorities. The power of...
When delay is deadly
Lot made it out of wicked Sodom by the skin of his teeth, and his dilly-dallying almost cost him his life. But to understand the source of his...
Putting on the belt of truth…
One time when Sarah and I were travelling ministering, I had forgotten to bring a belt for my pants. I didn't technically need the belt either, my...
An Altar on the Mountain of Curses?
In the Old Testament, God was very specific about where His people worshipped Him, and they were specifically forbidden from building altars...
Much more than just a lost sheep
You encounter a lost sheep wandering aimlessly down the road. What do you do? In ancient Israel, God specifically commanded that His people not to...
Friday the 13th – what does the Bible say?
One of my customers was terrified of Friday the 13th and practically begged me to change the due date of his invoice to any other date. But what...
In this matter you did not believe….
They were a generation of people who had seen miracles like none other. The Jews of the Exodus witnessed amazing miracles in Egypt, saw God’s glory...
What was so bad about Moses’ mistake?
Why couldn’t this man, who had led Israel for 40 years through the wilderness, and who walked so closely with God, be forgiven for what seems like a...