Press release regarding Oct 7 terror attacks

by | Oct 19, 2023 | Israel at War

SCAFI, together with those organsations listed in the attached schedule, utterly condemn and denounce the terrorist attacks on Israel from Gaza commencing on 7 October 2023. Hundreds of heavily armed terrorists conducted brutal, horrific abuses, massacres, and abductions of unarmed civilians – women, children, and elderly people in over 20 villages and communities. They murdered many hundreds in the streets and in their homes, and maimed thousands. They are publicly abusing, humiliating, and murdering abducted children and women in Gaza.

Such an obscene display of hatred and evil must be unequivocally denounced and eradicated. Israel has every right to take all measures necessary to defend itself and to defeat the terrorist forces responsible for this atrocity.

We call on the entire civilized world to condemn Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and to unequivocally renounce nations, organisations, factions, and individuals who openly or tacitly support,  or seek to justify their barbaric tactics.

We are deeply concerned that there are segments within the Australian community celebrating these murders or seeking to justify them. This conduct amounts to incitement to violence and will place the  Australian Jewish community at risk.

We call on the Australian government to immediately stop financial support of the illegitimate and corrupt regimes governing the Palestinian Arab population in the region. This misguided aid funds  corruption and terrorism, including that which we’ve seen this week.

We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel and its brave soldiers who are risking their lives to  provide security and stability for Israeli citizens. We extend our condolences to those who are  mourning, pray for the speedy recovery of the injured, and for the speedy redemption of those kidnapped.


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