The blessings of the Shmita include safety, fruitfulness and the release of debts. This video also looks at the curse of the Shmita, how it has affected ancient Israel and appears to affect modern day financial markets. Finally, the video connects the Shmita to the sounding of the Final Trumpet at the Lord’s Return.


Here are the notes from the message:


– The shmita is a year of rest in the bible every 7th year.

– Furthermore, on the last day of this year, debts are cancelled.


The Blessing of the Shmita

– Lev 25:2-7

– Like the Sabbath was intended as a blessing and a time of rest, so the shmita was to be a blessing and a time of rest


Blessing of Safety

Lev 25:18-19 – One of the blessings of keeping the shmita is living in safety.


Blessing of Fruitfulness

– Can you imagine telling a manufacturer to lay off his workers, close his plant, cut off his suppliers and forfeit his customers for a year – while at the same time he has to cover the rent on his premises, pay off his loans, maintain his equipment and feed his family?

– Lev 25:20-21 God promised sufficient provision for the period.

Sometimes we think of walking by faith as blindly stepping out into thin air – hoping God will catch us.  As I studied this, I was surprised to discover a scriptural principle that God confirms and strengthens our faith so we have what we need to step out and follow Him completely.

Shmita and Releasing Debts

–  De 15:1-2 Every debtor is to let go of debts

– You would be releasing what you really are entitled to – letting go of what someone else owes you.

– It would give people a fresh start – and would help avoid situations where some people mass lots of riches for themselves.

– The timing for the release of debts and the reset of the financial market was the very end of the shmita year


The Curse of the Shmita:

The Curse in Ancient Israel

– The shmita is first described in detail in Lev. 25.

– In the very next chapter, Moses predicts that Israel would (1) not keep the shmita and (2) would be exiled from the land because of it.

Lev 26:43.

– 2 Chr 36:21 – The Jews were expelled for 70 years. Why? Because they had lived in the land 490 years and had not kept the shmita. So the land was due for 70 years of rest. ‘Enjoy her sabbaths’ means to pay off a debt of Sabbaths.

Scriptural principle: if we do not take rest when we should, sooner or later we will be forced to rest.

– The timing of the judgment for Israel was based on the shmita.


The curse in effect today

Jonathan Cahn – discovered that the majority of previous stock market collapses all occur in the shmita year – and majority around the time when the debts are cancelled.

We are not immune from the shaking of this world – but as you serve God – God will deliver you and protect you in these dark times.

– Heb 12:26-28 – God is shaking all the things we have put our trust in – so the only things that remain in our lives is our trust in Him. He alone is the unshakeable sure foundation – He alone is our refuge in the storm.

– I TI 6:17 Do not trust in uncertain riches, but trust in God.

The shmita warns us of judgment – and shows that the financial shakings in the world today are no co-incidence. God is in full control of the finances. It is time for us not to have safety in our possessions – but in our citizenship in the kingdom of God.


After Shmita comes the trumpet

So why are all these shakings happening in the world? Because God is trying to wake us up!


Feast of Trumpets is coming!

The very next day after the cancellation of debts in the Shmita is the Feast of Trumpets.

It is a day set aside for one reason – to blow the Trumpet.

It is a picture of the Lord’s return.

1 Cor 15:51-52 – The trumpet will sound and we will be transformed.

The financial crisis and the shaking of so many things in our world is a prelude to the day when the trumpet will sound.

God does not want anyone to be unaware when He comes – and so He is using all means to shake us up out of our slumber and get us ready for His coming.