In this message, Ps. Enoch shares about how all believers are called to the ministry.
He also shares four practical tips to enable you to be an effective minister in the marketplace and wherever God has placed you.
Sermon Notes:
Today only 10% of Christians know what they are called to do – and of them only 10% are actually doing it!
God wants his whole body mobilized – and the truth is that for this to happen we need to discover our ministries outside of church.
Eph 4:11-12 – Purpose of five-fold ministries is to equip YOU for ministry.
Summary: You are called to the ministry. The gifts and callings of God are not just for use within the four walls of the church.
Workplace People are Called to Serve God
Jesus did not call professional priests to serve him – nor did he find those who were top religious scholars to be his 12 disciples. In fact, the scholars and religious class were often the guys who gave him trouble!
Jesus chose ordinary fishermen and a tax collector!
Mk 16:15-17 Jesus has given us believers authority to lay hands the sick. That means in part that we are authorised to do it – we don’t have to wait for someone else to do it. In fact it is our role!
1 pet 2:9 – You are a priest – and with this comes responsibilities.
Sometimes we relax because we think that our pastor will take care of it.
Summary: All of us are called to the ministry – we are all called to serve God. God has given us as believers authority and has sent us out.
Israel and the Priesthood
We read that God had a similar plan for Israel.
Ex 19:4-6 Gods plan for Israel was for them to be a nation of priests.
Ex 20:18-21 But they were afraid of God’s presence and drew back.
They outsourced the priesthood to Moses and later to the Levites – but Gods original plan was for them all to be priests.
We are called to be part of a new priesthood which Jesus has raised up. We can come close to God, we can hear Him.
Heb. 10:19-21 – we have a new way into His presence. Let us not shrink back. We are called to that priestly role of coming close to God.
A priest is one who ministers to God (worship) and one who goes between people and God (interceding, helping teach and bring people to God). God is calling us to both roles.
Summary: Let us not make the same mistake Israel made of drawing back from the role the Lord he has for us. Let us be priests wherever we are.
Four Practical Tips for Being an Anointed Minister
Tip #1 – It’s Your Responsibility
The first tip is that ‘the buck stops with you’ – i.e. it is now your responsibility as a minister to pray for and help the needy.
You don’t have to call in the Pastor to pray for the sick – you can do it!
Tip #2 – Learn to Feed Yourself
Sometimes in churches we fail to teach people to take responsibility themselves.
Example A little child is helpless and needs constant assistance – but as he/she grows they need less and less assistance. They learn how to feed and dress themselves. Children can’t take care of themselves – adults can take care of themselves and others. Spiritually, we are called to be adults.
Tip #3 – Watch out for Spiritual Warfare
Pastors need to be aware that there is a spiritual battle going on. Just before church or during the week the enemy tries to get at us in one way or another to hinder us from functioning the way we should.
Summary: Just as there is spiritual warfare coming against pastors and church leaders – so there is against you being a witness and a minister in the marketplace.
Tip #4 Praying Differently
There are many ways of getting ready for work in the morning and different approaches to being alert spiritually.
I would give thanks to the Lord for the people at work. I would mention each one in prayer, praying in tongues for a bit and then praying prophetically for them. The result was that in no time, I would feel better and ready for the day and I knew I would have something to give.
Final Summary:
God choses and uses ordinary people in ordinary workplaces to be lights for His glory.
He has chosen you for the ministry.
Don’t shrink back from it or outsource your responsibility to the priests.
The four tips:
#1 It is your responsibility now – be prepared to pray for us and share with others.
#2 Take responsibility for your personal walk with the Lord – dress yourself, feed yourself and learn to feed others as well.
#3 Keep on guard for spiritual attacks – don’t be discouraged but learn to pray for God to change the atmosphere around you
#4 Start off the mornings giving thanks for and praying for the people around you.
Enoch Lavender was born in Australia, raised in Norway, spent time living in China and is now based in Melbourne, Australia. He has been studying Hebrew and the Jewish roots of our faith for the past decade, and has a keen interest in the Middle East from a Bible prophecy perspective.