“The prisoner cannot free himself”

by | Nov 22, 2022 | Bible Gems

Have you ever experienced it easier to hear God for others, but when it comes to your own life it seems really hard to know God’s will?

Or do you feel like your prayers for others are answered, but your own prayers for your needs seem to go unanswered?

In their Torah studies, the rabbis have uncovered a principle that they call ‘the prisoner cannot free himself’.

In other words, God has ordained that we need each others prayers. More often than not, if we want to experience full freedom, if we want to fully know the voice of God and be fully healed, we will need to humbly receive the prayers of others in order to receive the full blessing.

The book of James concurs, saying “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16

While confessing our sins to each other, or simply admitting our weaknesses and challenges, may be hard; it is worth it for the sake of experiencing full healing as well as for the deeper relationships and trust it develops between us as believers.


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