There is a teaching going around that when the High Priest finished the final Passover sacrifice, he would say ‘it is finished’, and that this was at the same time as Jesus’ final words. While a Jewish understanding of the Passover offers us many...
In his famous message on the day of Pentecost in Acts, Peter referred to the Messiah remaining in heaven ‘until the time of the restoration of all things as foretold by all the prophets’. Learn how this relates to the concept of the Jubilee, and about the...
While some say that signs are just for the Old Testament times, Jesus gave us specific signs to watch in regards to His return. What do these End Time Signs mean, how do we know what God is saying, and what is the purpose of signs in the End Times? Enoch LavenderEnoch...
Many Christians trace the beginning of the Church to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2. However, few understand the significance of the Feast of Pentecost nor are they aware of the Jewish legends concerning an earlier...
Holocaust rememberance day is a somber day for many of us as we consider the overwhelming suffering and death of the holocaust. In this message, Enoch shares about the hope that is found in the Bible’s message of the resurrection and how this applies not only to...