A Biblical Hope for Gaza

A Biblical Hope for Gaza

“Can we ever live together in peace?” asked my Orthodox Jewish friend. She was despairing over the situation in Gaza and the ongoing fermenting of terrorism by radical Islamists. Like her, many of her fellow Israelis have lost hope in a future peaceful co-existence...

Steve Lightle – The Key to End Time Revival

Part 2 of the teaching series – Part 1 is here How does the prophetic return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland link in with revival? Messianic author and speaker Steve Lightle shares his insights and first hand experiences Enoch LavenderEnoch...
North Korea’s Surprising Christian Heritage and Destiny

North Korea’s Surprising Christian Heritage and Destiny

Many Christians would be surprised to learn that North Korea – the world’s undisputed top persecutor of its own Christian population – was once the centre of sweeping revivals. Even more surprising to many would be the fact that the ruling Kim dynasty came from a...
Our Romance and the Great End Time Story

Our Romance and the Great End Time Story

Paul declares that marriage is the “beautiful design of the Almighty, a great and sacred mystery—meant to be a vivid example of Christ and his Church” (Eph 5:32, The Passion). Marriage is meant to be a picture of the Messiah’s love for His bride, and in this article,...
Born in A Day – Israel’s 70th Anniversary

Born in A Day – Israel’s 70th Anniversary

Isaiah 66:8 records the famous question ‘can a nation be born in a day?’ 2’700 years later the question was answered. Despite insurmountable odds, Israel – armed with help from above and the heroic courage of its men and women – was born in a day on May 14,...
Corona Virus, Israel and the End Times

Corona Virus, Israel and the End Times

The Corona Virus epidemic has dominated international headlines for months and has resulted in over 300’000 deaths globally as of May 2020. Looking beyond the headlines, this article will look briefly at the dark agendas which are trying to manipulate the crisis for...