Did you know that the biblical hebrew words for eyelid and wing are from the same root?
Apparently, in the Hebrew mind, the function of a wing isn’t only to fly with, it’s more so to cover with.
Hence Isaiah speaks of God protecting Jerusalem like a hen its chicks (Isaiah 31:5) and of us finding refuge under God’s wings (Psalm 91:4). Speaking of Israel, the Lord says that He “kept him as the apple of His eye.” (Deut 32:10). There is truly no safer place to be that under the shelter of his wings and being covered like the apple of His eye.

Ps Enoch Lavender was born in Australia, raised in Norway, spent time living in China and is now based on the Gold Coast of Australia. He has been studying Hebrew and the Jewish roots of our faith for the past decade, and has a keen interest in the Middle East from a Bible prophecy perspective.
Contact Enoch and Olive Tree Ministries