Feeling discouraged? Time to look back!

by | Dec 5, 2021 | Bible Gems | 0 comments

What to do in time of discouragement? It is time then to look back. Look back? Yes, look back over your life and all that has happened so far on life’s journey.

As you look back, you will see mistakes and failures and things you wish didn’t turn out as they did. But as you look more closely, you will also see God’s faithful goodness, protection and guiding hand that have kept you all the way to this day.

The Psalmist explains that ‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life’ – so to see God’s goodness and mercy, simply look back!

In times like this I pull out my journal and I always end up getting so encouraged as I see what God has done in my past. Seeing what He has done in my past, gives me new strength and courage for the road ahead, and it will for you as well.


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