How Giving Turned Our Finances Around

by | Dec 4, 2021 | Inspiring Stories | 0 comments

Sara and I have had a lot of expenses lately with many big bills due at once. We were feeling really stretched but were coping – when suddenly my car broke down. RACV delivered the devastating news – it will have to be towed to the mechanic.

Imagining a massive bill, i felt sick to the stomach. Here we are stepping out on a limb to serve the Lord – and then it felt like the limb snapped from beneath us and we were in free fall!

I sent out an S.O.S to some intercessors who began praying.

A few days earlier, i had realised that i had gotten behind in giving tithes and we re-committed ourselves that day to giving. The scripture we got at that time was ‘from this day on I will bless you’.

The evening of the car break down I felt an anger towards what the enemy was doing and told him: ‘hands off our wheels in Jesus name!’

The next day we had a phone call and unexpectedly got a large belated wedding gift – which not only covered the repairs but the excess will go towards our next car!

Looking back, it was important that we got our finances in order spiritually. This gave the foundation from which the enemy was stopped and God’s turn around was released!

The principle is that as we bring the tithes into God’s storehouse, God will rebuke the devourer for our sake and release His blessing in its place!


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