2 DVDs: The Third Temple – Coming Closer?


Temple advocates are gaining influence in the Israeli government – what are the implications for the Church and for End Times?

Live Recording from the NSW Parliament + Bonus DVD



Now includes BONUS dvd on the topics of “”The 6 Day War and the Temple”, “Trump, Cyrus and the Temple” and “The Temple Location and Cornuke’s Theory”.

A red heifer has just been born in Israel, triggering headlines in newspapers across the world. A high speed train line is being built to Jerusalem with dreams of bringing pilgrims to the Temple. Meanwhile, tensions over the Temple Mount are close to the boiling point and in the midst of this, a little known temple activist not only survived an assassination attempt, but has found himself catapulted into a prominent role in the Israeli parliament.

Ps Enoch Lavender is the author of the recent book ‘Rebuilding The Temple’ which chronicles these key developments.
Hosted by Rev. Fred Nile MLC and recorded live at NSW parliament, Enoch addresses key questions and implications from these developments including:
– How should Christians respond?
– Why there is such a contest over the Temple Mount?
– Is the Temple project an Anti-Christ project?
– Can Christians support the rebuilding of the Temple?

DVD Length: 43 MinutesPs Enoch Lavender is based at Living Way Christian Network in Melbourne. He has a B.A. in intercultural ministry from Harvest Bible College and has been studying Hebrew and the Jewish roots of our faith for the past 10 years. He has a passion for sharing about the End Times and encouraging the church to be ready for the Lord’s return.


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