Worst Possible Start to a Ministry Day

by | May 28, 2024 | Travel Diary | 0 comments

It was by far the worst possible start to a ministry day during our caravan trip of Australia.
The preceding night our sleep was constantly interrupted by our kids.
First we spent 2.5 hours getting 2 year old Olive to bed until she finally went to sleep at 10:30pm – as she had a nap during the day.
Then 4 year old David vomited at 10:35 and we had to change his bedding.
We  had barely gone to sleep after this to be woken shortly after midnight as the wind was picking up outside making strange noises in the caravan. It turned out to be coming from our awning, so I had to head outside in the cold and pull it down.
Then at 4am Hannah vomited, and David woke up too with both of them staying awake past 5:30am! I think Hannah got to sleep at 6.
And then just after 7, Olive woke up for the morning (groan!)
Sarah and I prayed together and despite the horror start, felt that all of us should go to the Church meeting that morning where i was ministering.
The meeting went well, the kids were well behaved and not sick (!) and Sarah and I had some beautiful ministry time.
I personally felt the presence of God coming in an unusually sweet and powerful way impacting people, and it was probably one of the best prayer times we have had during our entire ministry trip. The blessing was there as we were fully depending on God in our tiredness and sickness and Him shining through and showing up!

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