Hanukkah and the Battle for the Temple Mount 2/4

by | Dec 7, 2021 | Video Teachings - The Third Temple | 0 comments

Part 2 of 4 – Ps. Enoch examines the past, present and future conflict surrounding the Temple Mount.

This video dives into the story of Hanukkah and examines the parallells between this ancient defiling of the Temple and a possible future fulfilment. Ultimately, the Battle for the Temple Mount is not only about a site – but about the worship of mankind. This message ends with a challenge to a renewed heart of worship of the One True God.

Notes from Video:

Is.14:13 – Satan’s ambition involves sitting on the ‘mount of appointment’.
This is therefore the site of an epic battle for the worship of mankind as we approach the End Times.
But to understand this battle for the Temple Mount and what it looks like, we must go back in time.

Battle for the Temple in the Past
We need to go back to what is known as the story of Hanukkah – which took place 170 years before Christ.

How many of you have heard of Hanukkah?
Some think of it as the Jewish version of Christmas.
Same time of the year – some similar traditions with lights and presents.
But like the message of Christmas has been buried in the paraphernalia, so the message of Hanukkah is often lost as well.

It is a story of courage and sacrifice, persecution and ultimate victory.
It is referred to extensively in the Bible:
– book of Daniel devotes chapter 8 and 11 to it,
– Jesus refers to it in His end time prophecies in Matt 24
– Paul refers to it in Thessalonians when describing end times
– NT debate over food sacrificed to idols and Paul and Peter’s debate over Jews eating with Gentiles came from events of Hanukkah.

I will give you an introduction to the story – but it is worth studying the story in more detail for yourselves.

Dan 8:17 – This chapter describes in great detail the events of Hanukkah – but is very clear that the description applies to the ‘end of days’. In other words, what happened at Hanukkah was a prophetic foreshadowing of the end times – as we go through the story, keep an eye out for the links between that time and what lies ahead of us.

Story of Hanukkah
– Dan 8:8 – Alexander the Great conquered known world – and after his death, his kingdom was divided between 4 generals. The two prominent kingdoms known as ‘king of the north’ and ‘king of the south’
– Israel under pressure – Israel was a small nation looking for an alliance or covenant that would protect it and bring peace
– Great falling away in Israel – many were leaving the faith to be ‘more like the world’. Greek culture was a seductive force everywhere
– High Priest of Israel – Onias – was faithful to the faith, but his brother Jason wanted Israel to be just like the other nations around them.
– 170bc:, Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes. Treaty with Jason made him the new High Priest – Jason built a perverse idol temple and a gymnasium

After 3 years he:
– broke the covenant
– attacked Jerusalem killing 80’000!
– Dan 9:27 – put an end to sacrifices in the temple.
– Built a fortress next to the temple to control its activities.
– 6 months later, he erected an idol with his image in the holy place. ‘Epiphanes’ means the God-man – and he thought he was God.
– He sacrificed pig on the altar of the temple. He sprinkled the blood of the pig in the holy of holies, and poured swine broth over the scrolls of the bible.
Daniel 11:31 – they shall take away the daily sacrifice and place there the abomination of desolation. This scripture refers to the future and to the past!

Why is it ‘an abomination of desolation’? It was a play on its name – it was called ‘Baal Shamayim’ Lord of the Heavens – but orthodox Jews called ‘baal’ ‘shiqqus’ meaning abomination. So the name for the idol became a word play – ‘shiqqus shomem’ abomination of desolation.
It was in truth an abomination that caused desolation – as it was only when it was erected that the very worst persecution broke out.

Jews were forbidden to practice their faith in God on pains of death- and house to house searches were conducted to enforce this measure.
If sabbaths were kept, circumcision or food laws, or scrolls of the law found, the whole family was put to death. Babies were hung around their mothers necks, and women were thrown from the walls of the cities.


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