Hebrew: A Revived Language for a Restored People

Hebrew: A Revived Language for a Restored People

“For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, That they all may call on the name of the Lord…” Zep. 3:9 NKJV While this verse tells us that God is going to restore ‘a pure language’ to the peoples, it is not immediately clear which language the...
Feeling discouraged? Time to look back!

Feeling discouraged? Time to look back!

What to do in time of discouragement? It is time then to look back. Look back? Yes, look back over your life and all that has happened so far on life’s journey. As you look back, you will see mistakes and failures and things you wish didn’t turn out as...
God is not a tissue box!

God is not a tissue box!

2 Cor 1:4 describes God as the ‘God of all comfort’. Yes, He truly is a God who wipes away our tears, one who comforts us in time of loss and hardship, but there is more to the meaning of this word. The greek word translated ‘comfort’ does not...
Sorrow or Birth Pains?

Sorrow or Birth Pains?

“…. these are the beginnings of sorrows. Mark 13:8 KJV” In describing the difficulties leading up to the End of the Age, Jesus used a phrase that in some translations is translated ‘the beginning of sorrows’, and in others as ‘the...
Loving your neighbour

Loving your neighbour

We are commanded to ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’. Why aren’t we called to love our neighbour as we love God? That would sound a lot better, wouldn’t it? Well, our love for God is in response to how He loved us first and has given...
Follow me! Why Israeli Commanders go first

Follow me! Why Israeli Commanders go first

The Book of Samuel records how Israel’s young prince Jonathan and his armorbearer attacked the Phillistine army by themselves. 1 Sam 14 records how Jonathan climbed up first on his hands and feet, saying to his armorbearer, “Follow me”. In most other...